
Showing posts from October, 2021

Broken 2021 Movie Summary

The name of the movie is Broken movie 2021 The Summary The movie talks about Brian's story who was the trade of drugs. He has involved his friends in this journey where killed two of his best friends because he was afraid one of them tell him about what happened in the store. Recently, the detective caught Brian and made a deal with him to tell them about Pierre. Characters :  - Essential character: Brian  - The officer and detective: Anna Kempe  - Agent: Michael Thomas  - His friends: Katie, steven - Manager: Anderson “Pierre” Sequence of events The detective and agent were appearing in the first movie with Brian, they were in the detective room. Brian sat there and wait for them. they came to the room and welcomed Brian. the detective pressed the recorder. then, they began to ask Brian some questions and show him some pictures. Those pictures were for his friends Katy and Steven. after that Brian talked about his father who doesn’t know him, about his mother who wa...

Collateral Beauty Summary

  Collateral Beauty The Summary The story of the movie focused on a character who was motivated and creative in his life and company. He had three best words of his life: Love, Time, and Death. Then several years later, he lost his daughter. Then his life changed. The partner and two friends tried to help him to return to a normal life. Finally, his friends succeeded in helping him. - Movie type and Date: The movie is a drama, which was released on December 16, 2016.  Brooklyn, New York - Characters The characters are Howard (Will Smith) His friends are Simon, Claire, Whit Actors are Amy, Rafi, Brejit The support group is Madeline Sequence of events One day, Whit was talking about his partner then he provided him, Howard spoke to employees in that meeting. There are a lot of things he was talking about. He started his speech in questions: What is your "why"? Why did you even get out of bed this morning? Why did you eat what you ate? What did you wear? What you wore? Why did y...
  Just Think of Yourself      The moment came to witness in my life. It was the beginning of the entrance to the trade of the world. Without routine, no employee after day. Then I decided to be the leader of that trip. At that station in my life, a lot of people were talking about it, either someone was talking to me about the bad situation that would happen in the future or my plan would fail. Other people said, "have you thought before you did that?"       These questions put me down in a bad situation and made me ask myself two questions. Why do I ask them? Why did they make me a failure?       On the other hand, there were people who wished for me a lot of success and got the top in the future. Who supported me all the time, gave me power and love. That was a turning point in my life. I had a desire to achieve my target.       It's time to say I achieved one of my thoughts. There were hard moments where ...
 The Decision that Changed My Life My own business was to buy some goods from a wholesaler and then put them on the table in the street in the neighborhood. Those goods were men's accessories. A year later, my uncle asked me to join him to work as a programmer. He has his own business. I left my own business and started with him. I want to tell you that I have no idea what this business is, plus I don't like working behind the small screen, but I have no choice. Only here, I decided to start a new life and broke these blocks to change my life for the better.   that summary was written by Mahmoud Abou #Mahmoud_Abou #MoudAb October 10, 2021

قصة حنين وزين

بقلم : محمود عبو قصة "حنين وزين" كان الجو لطيفا وملبدا بالغيوم، حين ناداها زين وهي تنظر إلى الجهة الاخرى من الشارع، ماما!! ماما!! وقد تبدلت ملامحها وبدا عليها الحزن والصمت والسكون حتى انها لم تسمع نداءات زين لها!! فجأة احست به!، ثم بدا عليها بعض من اثار التعب المفاجئ والدورا، احكمت بشدة على يد ابنها زين، حتى أنها آلمته، ثم ارتكزت على أحد أدراج الأبنية المجاورة. أما زين بدا عليه الحزن لما أصاب أمه "حنين"، زين هو الابن البكر لحنين والوحيد وعمره خمس سنوات!  أما هي ... موجة من الصدمة بدت عليها، لقد رأت شخصا يذكرها بحبها القديم، والذي قد سمعت بخبر وفاته منذ سنوات كثيرة! كانت ترتكز على درج أحد الابنية وهي تنظر إليه من بعيد وهي تتذكر كل  تفاصيل حركاته، ابتسامته ضحكاته!! ملامح وجهه وكل شيء... وتحدث نفسها! لقد مات معك كل شيء، كيف أراك الآن كيف!! ولشدة زحام المكان لم تعد تراه، فأجمعت قواها لتحمل نفسها من مكان جلوسها في الشارع، وأخذت ابنها زين وعادت أدراجها إلى البيت. دخلت إلى البيت برفقه زين قبل المغرب بربع ساعة، سلمت على الجميع ودخلت غرفتها وارتمت على سريرها وكأن هموما ما أث...